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Big Blue Secures Charitable Donation from Self-Made Billionaire and Philanthropist John Paul DeJoria


Updated: Aug 23, 2019

The Big Blue Foundation has recently received a donation for an undisclosed amount from JP’s Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation for the further development of the Arcadia Feature Film project. John Paul is the Founder and current owner of Paul Mitchell Systems.

According to Mara Gourdine, Corporate Culture Ambassador for John Paul Mitchell Systems, in a recent letter to BBF she states, “JP believes in the Arcadia project and is pleased to be a part of it. He believes you will not have any trouble raising funds, the messaging is brilliant, you are sure to sign on and involve some truly skillful talent.”

John Paul or JP, as he is better known, rose from obscurity from living out of his car and selling shampoo door to door to owning and managing a multi-billion dollar hair products and beauty school empire called John Paul Mitchell Systems. He is also well known for his recent and highly publicized sale of Patron Tequila to Bacardi. According to sources, the sale was near 5.1 billion of which JP owned the majority of.

JP has funded other film projects of Salyer’s in the past. Back in 1992, when Salyer first began his film activist career, John Paul was the central financier of a campaign he and John Quigley led to help force then President George Herbert Walker Bush to the first ever Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. 160 other world leaders had agreed to attend but our “Environmental” President was resisting to go. Salyer and John (Co-creator Arcadia) and their Big Blue Foundation along with 10 million members representing 10 of the largest environmental groups in the U.S. backed their campaign. As did many Hollywood celebrities including James Earl Jones who narrated the centerpiece--a searing Public Service Message that Salyer directed called an “apocalyptic” trailer that was seen in thousands of theaters across the country.

From left: Salyer, Eloise DeJoria and husband John Paul Jones DeJoria, model Joannah Cleland and Jud Ireland, former Chairman of the Big Blue Foundation.

The controversial PSA ended with call 1-800-LEAD-RIO to send the President an earth telegram. The campaign caught fire and spread to World News on CBS, CNN and NBC resulting in hundreds of thousands of messages sent to the White House and is credited for forcing the President's attendance at RIO. “It was the beginning of electronic democracy and it was JP and his relentless spirit that helped move the needle during this moment in history. We are now engaging in a far more serious environmental crises--the stakes are much higher-- and it is with great pride that we stand together again with him," says Salyer McLaughlin, Co-creator of the Arcadia Film Project.

For more information on the Arcadia Film project, JP’s Peace, Love &Happiness Foundation and/or the Big Blue Foundation please contact:

Salyer 240. 215. 5292

or visit:

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